Thursday, November 10, 2005

And I can get high for free!

They came to replace our scratched windows today, so I had to vacate my office for a while. But now the whole room smells like some kind of sealant or glue. I opened the window and tried to work for a while, but ended up feeling pretty loopy and decided the laptop on the couch would be better for my remaining neurons.

Then a really grumpy guy from Adams Brothers came by to investigate the lumps under our carpet. (He was supposed to come yesterday, but well, I guess that just didn't work out for them.) So, because some idiot left two scraps of carpet padding under our carpet when they installed it (and Fulton couldn't possibly fix it before we moved in), we had to move all of our furniture out of the living room (and back in) so that grumpy guy could pull up the carpet and get the scraps out.

Tip to grumpy guy: I don't know if you were pissed at the people who screwed up our carpet, or pissed at us for being so darn pickey as to want a living room without topography, but either way drop the attitude. We were nice and personable to you, and I expect at least the same in return.


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